Articles » How can DriverScanner improve your PC hardware?

How can DriverScanner improve your PC hardware?

How can DriverScanner improve your PC hardware? download
Device drivers are responsible for controlling PC hardware. When hardware begins to malfunction and your system slows down, it is likely that your PC has become unstable due to outdated drivers. Check the status of your PC by running a free scan to identify outdated drivers now - Click here This driver scan will help you identify outdated drivers that could be causing hardware malfunction and system conflicts between your PC and devices, such as your: • Monitor, mouse, keyboard, CD/DVD • Sound & graphics card • Motherboard & BIOS, USB, modem & network adapters • Camera, printer, scanner & other 'plug and play' devices

DriverScanner purpose is to:

• Spot those outdated drivers, • Offer the latest download versions and • Install them with a single click; while naturally saving you the time and the hassle of installing each driver (about 100!) manually.

How does it work?

DriverScanner will simply update your drivers by following these 3 quick steps: 1. Download Download and install DriverScanner It's free and only takes a minute. 2. Scan Once installed, the scan will automatically start and you will be able to see the status of your drivers and know which need updating. Simply download all update and install them from the same screen. 3. Update Job done! Now you'll be able to enjoy: • Updated drivers and an optimized PC • Continuous driver update management • The power of a safe, simple and trusted driver update utility DriverScanner monitors your computer's hardware and will then scan your PC for drivers in need of updating. The program will offer the latest versions for you to install. Having the latest set of drivers will ensure your hardware is running at its best.

How can you benefit from DriverScanner?

• Detect device driver updates of all peripherals, even those not currently connected to your PC • Check your drivers against a constantly updated, tested and maintained driver database which includes information about 19,297 drivers and supports 87,341 devices. • Download and install quickly and easily. • Run fast and easy automatic scheduled scans (so as to get informed about outdated drivers) • Make use of a cutting edge driver scanning-engine • Install driver updates with one click.

What could happen if you don’t check and update your drivers?

Your machine could face the following consequences: • Devices become less functional or stop functioning • Conflicts with new software and/or hardware • PC crashes in extreme cases • Reduced system stability. Run a free scan for outdated drivers to discover what could be the cause behind hardware malfunction and system conflicts.