Articles » Have the food delivered to your next big event

Have the food delivered to your next big event

Have the food delivered to your next big event download


Up to holidays or big events such as weddings, celebrations and New Year's, which can be fraught with everyday stress in advance. Why not order food out of the house instead? On it you save yourself a lot of time and you are assured that the food is tasty and high quality.

Frimann´s gourmet provider catering for all sizes. It can be from a smaller birthday to the very big adventurous wedding. The food can be delivered to all of Zealand, so if you are the manager of an E-sports team, you can reasonably order delicious food for them to celebrate their efforts.

As a professional in E-sports, you know that what you are doing is a tradition untraditional. Maybe you like it at the food too? Frimann´s also delivers an Italian buffet out of the house, so you can run a specific theme. Does good food and being together, without time pressure, sound like something to you? See more at and order the menu today.