Articles » The top five music services

The top five music services

The top five music services download

Streaming music has become a commonplace and therefore a sea of different music services has come and it can be difficult to find the right one. Therefore, we will review the pros and cons of some of the most popular streaming services below.

1. Spotify

Spotify is the most popular music services on the market, and there are good reasons for that. First, you can listen to Spotify's huge library for free, if you can live with a little bit of advertising in between, and if you can't, Spotify has an attractive subscription price that delivers higher audio quality and makes the service advertising-free. Secondly, Spotify is probably the fastest service to add new artists and hottest albums.

2. YouTube Music

YouTube Music is a relatively new service and has a host of unique features that allow this service to compete with giants such as Spotify. With YouTube Music you have a huge library that even Spotify can't always compare to. YouTube Music uses of YouTube's huge music library, where you can often find rare and not necessarily popular songs. If you are interested in older music tracks that are not always available, then you can definitely find them on YouTube Music. In addition, the service also has excellent quality and the mobile application is also excellent developed and quality has undoubtedly been a top priority.

3. Telmore Music

Telmore Music is a music service offered by the Danish telecommunications company of the same name. Telmore Music is most obvious if you already have a mobile subscription with Telmore. This service has a large music library, but lacks modern standards and expectations such as podcasts and improved sound quality. Telmore Music's mobile application is also nothing to celebrate, it often chops and is slow at times, and stops when adding a song to the playlist queue. Telmore has created fairly superficial playlists themselves, and they can't compare to Spotify's more personal and elaborate playlists. That being said, Telmore Music is a good option if you are already a Telmore customer and you want access to the most popular songs.

4. YouSee Music

YouSee Music is very similar to Telmore Music, as this service is primarily intended for people who already have a subscription with the mobile company YouSee. YouSee Music is an excellent option if you want easy access to 60 million songs and is highly recommended as sound quality is also one of the best on the market. YouSee Music also feels a little more personal as there has obviously been more focus on creating unique playlists that provide a quite unique atmosphere for us listeners.

5. Tidal

Tidal is one of the oldest music services on the market, but has not really broken through here in Denmark. But it should not scare you to give the service a try. Tidal has lived high over the years that this music service delivers the absolute best quality through streaming. Tidal has previously had exclusive agreements with major artists such as Taylor Swift, so Tidal was the only option if you wanted to hear her music. Over the years, exclusive agreements have become less relevant, and it is only the high quality that gives Tidal a unique place in the market.