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How to uninstall
At this page you can learn how to uninstall programs and games that you've downloaded from
Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8
Click Windows Start (Windows Key + Q in Windows 8), and then click the Control Panel item.
-Click on Programs and Features.
-In the Programs and Features window, Right-click the unwanted software. Once the unwanted software is highlighted, click on the Uninstall button.
-Once the unwanted software Uninstall window appears, it will ask you if you're sure you wish to remove it. Click Yes to start the uninstallation process. This will start the uninstallation process.
Windows XP
-Click Windows Start (Windows Key + Q in Windows 8), and then open the Control Panel item.
-Double-click on Add/Remove Programs.
-In the Add/Remove Programs window, right-click the unwanted software. Once the unwanted software is highlighted, click on the Uninstall button.
-You will be asked you whether you are sure you want to completely remove the unwanted software from your computer. Click Yes to start the uninstallation process.
Mac OS
-Simply open your app folder and drag the unwanted app to your trash can.