Programma's » Business » Investing

U kunt ervoor kiezen om bij het beleggen vast te houden aan een paar basisprincipes en intuïtie. U kunt ook gebruik maken van statistieken, grondige analyse, hefboomwerking en meer. En dan wordt het ingewikkeld. Hier presenteren we programma's die u kunnen helpen bij uw investeringen en het iets minder ingewikkeld maken.
Als u meer wilt leren over beleggen, kunt u deze site bezoeken voor algemene tips, deze site als u wilt daytrade forex en deze site als u voornamelijk geïnteresseerd bent in beleggen in aandelen. Combineer dit met een van de hieronder besproken programma's en haal er het meeste uit.
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Investment and Business Valuation helps you calculate the earnings of different investments. And as an investor you probably know how important it's to follow up on your investments. Before any investments it's just as important to consider all variables in regards to it. This program is a great tool for this as well. It calculates the current economic value, the new valuation, the influence it'll have on your accounting and other important things to consider before…
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0.175 MbDatum toegevoegd
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27-02-2019The program allows you to monitor stock prices through information from Yahoo in real time. In addition to this, you can see relevant news from your selected shares, set up alarms, and get relevant company information. To summarize Stock Quotes for Pocket PC, it contains 4 great features that are good at slow-moving: portfolio, stocks, news and user-friendly alerts.
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3 MbDatum toegevoegd
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NeverIn addition to being able to trade with forex, CFDs, stocks, futures and options, you can also avail of a number of technical tools that help you keep track of your investments. In addition, a lot of relevant market information, with updates on the latest developments in the financial markets.
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24 MbDatum toegevoegd
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09-01-2023If you would like to have the latest information about your favorite stocks at your fingertips, you may want to consider downloading the Stock Desktop Widget. It's a smart widget tool that allows you to place small widgets directly on your desktop, displaying the exact stock prices you desire! Stock Desktop Widget is developed for both Windows and Mac, and the tool exists in two different versions. First and foremost, there is the free version, and in addition, the…
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28-08-2023With Forex Hacked installed you don't have to spend time optimizing your investments anymore. You don't have to calculate and move hundreds of parameters around anymore to find good investments. All you have to do is to select the most basic settings for your investments directly in this program, then it'll take care of the rest. Forex Hacked is already used by many investors in the US, which has prospered with its help. And if you do not think the earning made w…
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21 MbDatum toegevoegd
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30-07-2013You may have heard of it in the news or seen articles about it on the web, but yes, Bitcoin is a real currency that you can access. We have tested the program, which gives you access to your Bitcoins, on a Windows 7 computer. Here we were very surprised at how simple it is set up: you have an overview where you can see general information about your account, a send functions where you can transfer bitcoins, a receive function where you can receive Bitcoins and Trans…
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10.6 MbDatum toegevoegd
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14-12-2020Are you interested in stocks and always want to stay updated on the latest market prices? If so, Free Stocks Ticker may be the perfect program for you! After installing it on your computer, you can add one or more scrolling news tickers to your desktop, which can be customized to display the exact stock prices that interest you the most. Please improve the sentence with 20 words maximum, keeping the raw HTML format: Please enhance the sentence with a maximum o…
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2.62 MbDatum toegevoegd
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28-08-2023We are by no means experts in stocks and finance, but you can certainly find programs and tools in this category on our website. For example, you can read more about Chart Geany, a 100% free and open-source tool. With this tool, you can retrieve different stocks and study their graphs to understand how they have changed in line with market developments. You can also use Chart Geany to manage your own stocks with the portfolio function. Translated: Improved: The…
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