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What can I download legally?

What can I download legally? download
When downloading movies, music and e-books on the Internet, you are entitled to use it in certain ways while others are not allowed. Here you can get a clarification on some of the issues that often arise when downloading material from the internet. The answers are based on the Ministry of Culture's info desk, where there is more information to retrieve

I may:

• Download music, movies and ebooks from the Internet when it is clear that the rights to download from the Internet have been cleared by the licensees. • Copy music, movies and e-books that are legally downloaded, BUT only for private use.

I am not allowed to:

• Copy material downloaded online when released without the license holder's permission. • Sell, swap, lend or rent copies of music, movies and e-books. • Deliver copies of music, movies or e-books away as a gift. • Share copies of movies, music and e-books with others online. • Forwarding movies, music and e-books by e-mail.

What does the law say about violations?

If you violate the copyright, you may be subjected to a claim for damages, a fine or imprisonment

Who are the rightholders?

When you download material from the internet, you must have permission from the licensees. In general, rightholders are the creative artists, performers and companies responsible for publishing the music, film or e-book. Being a rightholder means that you have the exclusive right to copy the music, movie or e-book and make it available to others. No one else may dispose of the music, film or ebook unless the licensees have authorized it. Are the same rules for copying music purchased and downloaded from the internet as purchased on CD? No, when you buy music on a CD, the Copyright Act contains clear guidelines for which copy you must make. The rules are described in more detail at the Ministry of Culture. When you buy and download music, the terms of copying that are in the agreement with the seller of the music apply. They may vary from music service to music service, so be sure to read the terms before purchasing.

When do I know that a website is legal?

It can be difficult to find out if the music, movie or ebook you want to download from the internet is legal. If the page you want to download from is not listed on either legitimate or illegal websites, try asking yourself the following: • Is there a clear indication of who is behind the website - name, address, telephone number etc.? • Is the website showing whether an agreement has been reached with the rights holders regarding clearance of rights and payment? • Is there a reasonable connection between the price for download and the normal market price for the products? The best advice is always to use your common sense, because it will often be easy to determine if a website is legal or not. Source: >